Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)
Accept the Work as Complete and Direct the Clerk to File the Notice of Completion of Contract and Acceptance of Work for the Permanente Creek Flood Protection Project - Floodwall Retrofit, Anvil Builders, Inc., Project No. 10244001, Contract No. C0689 (Mountain View, District 7).
A. Accept the work on the Permanente Creek Flood Protection Project - Floodwall Retrofit, Anvil Builders, Inc., Project No. 10244001, Contract No. C0689 as complete; and
B. Direct the Clerk of the Board to sign the Notice of Completion of Contract and Acceptance of Work and submit for recording to the Santa Clara County Clerk-Recorder.
The construction contractor, Anvil Builders, Inc., has completed the Permanente Creek Flood Protection Project - Floodwall Retrofit (Project).
Project Background
Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) completed the construction of the Permanente Creek Flood Protection Project (Permanente Project) along the Permanente Creek corridor in the cities of Mountain View, Los Altos, and Cupertino as part of the 2012 Safe, Clean Water Program. The Permanente Project, which was approved by the Board on May 28, 2013, was comprised of three separate projects: Rancho San Antonio Detention Basin (Stage 1 was completed in June 2021), McKelvey Park Detention Basin (completed February 2020), and the Permanente Creek Channel Improvements Project (completed December 2018).
After Stage 1 completion of the Rancho San Antonio Detention Basin, Valley Water Hydraulics and Hydrology (H&H) staff began the FEMA Letter of Map Changes (LOMR) application process to update the 100-year floodplain map, to remove the properties that were listed in the old floodplain map. The affected properties are along the full length of the creek, from Los Altos downstream to the San Francisc...
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