File #: 24-0189    Version: 2 Name:
Type: Assistant CEO Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/29/2024 In control: Board of Directors
On agenda: 6/11/2024 Final action:
Title: Receive an Update on Costs Associated with the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project, Project No. 91954002 (Santa Clara County District 1, Merced County).
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1: PowerPoint, 2. Attachment 2: Sierra Club Response, 3. Attachment 3: Expenditure Details, 4. *Handout 8.1-A: Irvin, 5. *Handout 8.1-B: Freedom, 6. *Handout 8.1-C: Ballenger, 7. *Handout 8.1-D: Lanman, 8. *Handout 8.1-E: Irvin, 9. *Handout 8.1-F: Norton, 10. *Handout 8.1-G: MacIntosh, 11. *Handout 8.1-H: Freedom, 12. *Handout 8.1-I: Rogers

Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)

Receive an Update on Costs Associated with the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project, Project No. 91954002 (Santa Clara County District 1, Merced County).

Receive an informational update on costs associated with the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project, Project No. 91954002 (Santa Clara County - District 1, Merced County).

On October 13, 2023, staff and Committee Member Hsueh presented potential topics regarding the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project (PREP or Project) to be brought before the Water Storage Exploratory Committee (WSEC) for more detailed discussion in future quarterly updates, and, later, to be brought before the full Board for discussion. This approach and these proposed Project topics were then discussed before the full Board on November 14, 2023, and approved. Additionally, WSEC acknowledged that some topics may require more time to prepare and recommended adjusting the quarterly update schedule as necessary. With the recent Board realignment of committees, the Project will now be presenting updates to the newly formed Water Supply and Demand Management Committee (WSDM).
Previous presentations by staff have included cost information for the Project. In response to the updated list of future topics, staff has prepared a presentation providing a more detailed explanation of these project cost numbers:

* Construction Cost based on the 30% Design Cost Estimate
* Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Total Project Cost (TPC) without Inflation
* Five-Year CIP TPC with Inflation
* Projected Financed Cost with 35% Partnership
* Projected Financed Cost without 35% Partnership

Staff has also provided additional detail on the funding sources for the Project and more detailed information on the financing costs of the Project. The presentation also inclu...

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