Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)
Authorize Acquisition of a Real Property Interest from James H. Woodward, for the Anderson Dam Tunnel Project, Project No. 91864006, APN 729-37-016, Real Estate File No. 9186-42, for a Final Sale Price of $1,100,000 (Morgan Hill, District 1).
A. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a Right of Way Agreement between James H. Woodward and the Santa Clara Valley Water District, for acquisition of APN 729-37-016, located at 17506 Hoot Owl Way, Morgan Hill, CA, based upon the terms and conditions as set forth in the Agreement; and
B. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to accept the Grant Deed from James H. Woodward.
Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) staff recommends acquisition of residential real property located at 17506 Hoot Owl Way in Morgan Hill, California owned by James H. Woodward according to the terms of Right of Way Agreement No. 9186-42 (Attachment 1). This property is shown on the plat and description of Grant Deed No. 9186-42 (Attachment 2). Acquisition of this property is necessary for the Anderson Dam Tunnel Project (ADTP) reservoir bank and rim stability improvements to address ground movement associated with pre-existing landslide areas around Anderson Reservoir.
Valley Water is undertaking the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order Compliance Project (FOCP) as a result of the February 20, 2020, directive from FERC to implement interim risk reduction measures at Anderson Dam to protect the public from risk of dam failure due to seismic activity. ADTP, Project No. 91864006, is one of five Capital Construction Projects comprising the FOCP. ADTP is currently being constructed and includes building a diversion system to augment the existing outlet, consisting of a new diversion tunnel, an outlet st...
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