Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)
Authorize Acquisition of a Real Property Interest from Michele A. Dour, for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order Compliance Project Coyote Creek Flood Management Measures Project, Project No. 91864007, APN 472-31-041, Real Estate File Nos. 4021-320 and 4021-406 for the Price of $307,000 (San Jose, District 2).
A. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a Right of Way Agreement between Michele A. Dour and the Santa Clara Valley Water District for acquisition of a permanent easement and a temporary construction easement on APN 472-31-041, located at 650 S 16th Street, San Jose, CA, for the price of $307,000, based upon the terms and conditions as set forth in the Agreement;
B. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to accept the Easement Deed (4021-320) from Michele A. Dour; and
C. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to accept the Temporary Construction Easement Deed (4021-406) from Michele A. Dour.
Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) staff recommends acquisition of a permanent easement and a temporary construction easement on APN 472-31-041, a residential real property located at 650 S 16th Street, in San Jose, California owned by Michele A. Dour (Owner), according to the terms of the Right of Way Agreement (Attachment 1). The permanent easement from the Owner is described and shown on Deed No. 4021-320 (Attachment 2) and the temporary construction easement from the Owner is described and shown on Deed No. 4021-406 (Attachment 3).
Approval of the Agreement and acquisition of the permanent and temporary construction easements from the Owner are necessary to implement flood risk reduction elements of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order Compliance Project Coyote Creek Flood Management Measures Project (CCFMMP).
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