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Consider the June 24, 2024, Water Supply and Demand Management Committee Recommendation to Receive an Update on the Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project, Authorize a Reduction of Valley Water's Storage Participation Request From 50,000 Acre-Feet to 20,000 Acre-Feet, and Provide Policy Direction for Continued Negotiation of Project Agreements.
Consider the June 24, 2024, Water Supply and Demand Management Committee Recommendation to:
A. Receive an Update on the Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project;
B. Reduce Santa Clara Valley Water District's storage participation request from 50,000 acre-feet to 20,000 acre-feet;
C. Provide policy direction for continued negotiation of project agreements; and
D. Direct the CEO to inform Contra Costa Water District and Los Vaqueros Joint Powers Authority of actions taken and Board feedback, as appropriate.
Los Vaqueros Reservoir (LVR) is a 160,000-acre-foot water supply reservoir in Contra Costa County owned and operated by Contract Costa Water District (CCWD). Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project (Project) is a regional partnership of water agencies to expand LVR by an additional 115,000 acre-feet (AF) and build associated conveyance infrastructure to move participant's water into and out of LVR. Santa Clara Valley Water District's (Valley Water) Water Supply Master Plan 2050 (WSMP) has identified the Project as a potential option to diversify its existing storage programs.
Over the past year, the Project Joint Powers Authority (JPA) has been working with CCWD and participants to develop agreements specifying costs, benefits, rights, and responsibilities. Project agreement negotiations have been ongoing as JPA members have differing views on several key topics, including allocation risk and degree of control, member a...
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