File #: 23-0769    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Water Utility Enterprise Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 7/10/2023 In control: Board of Directors
On agenda: 8/8/2023 Final action:
Title: Receive an Update on the Proposed Potable Reuse Project.
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1: Potable Reuse Pilot Project Plan

Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)

Receive an Update on the Proposed Potable Reuse Project.

Following the May 16 Board meeting, receive an update on a proposed potable reuse pilot project at the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center and refer follow up to the Recycled Water Committee.

The City of San Jos? (City) is the administering agency for the San Jos?-Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility (RWF), a joint powers agency of the State of California, and manages and operates the South Bay Water Recycling System (SBWR), which delivers 13,000 acre-feet of recycled water per year to customers in San Jos?, Santa Clara, and Milpitas.
Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) and the City have a multi-decade history of successfully collaborating including development and promotion of the use of recycled water and the construction of the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center (SVAWPC), which opened in 2014. SVAWPC enhances the quality of water delivered by SBWR and serves as a public outreach platform for potable reuse as well as a research center for new treatment technologies. Valley Water and the City signed a 40-year Integration Agreement in 2010 followed by the Ground Lease Agreements and Operations & Maintenance Agreements in 2012. These agreements govern the joint Operations & Maintenance of SVAWPC.

Building on the successful collaboration on the SVAWPC, in January 2023, the Cities of San Jos? and Santa Clara and Valley Water signed a Letter of Intent to continue collaborating on the expansion of water reuse. As such, staff from both agencies have continued working together to evaluate and develop a feasible project. One such projects could be a Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) Pilot.

DPR is the delivery of purified water to a drinking water treatment plant or a drinkin...

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