Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)
Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Standard On-Call Consultant Agreements with the following four (4) Consultant firms: Dahlin Group, Inc., Hazen and Sawyer, Siegfried Engineering, Inc., and Salas O'Brien to Provide On-Call General and Specialty Engineering Services for Facilities; Combining the Not-to-Exceed Fees of all four agreements for a shared aggregate subtotal not-to-exceed fee of $2,000,000 and Increasing that subtotal by $1,000,000 for a Revised Shared Aggregate Total Not-to-Exceed Fee of $3,000,000 for each of the aforementioned agreements, and Increase the Not-to-Exceed Fee for Swinerton Management & Consulting by $200,000 for a Revised Total Not-to-Exceed Fee of $700,000, for Engineering and Construction Management Services, and Extend the Term of Each Agreement through December 31, 2027.
A. Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Standard On-Call Consultant Agreement No. A4476A, with Dahlin Group, Inc., for On-Call General and Specialty Engineering Services for Facilities, Combining the Not-to-Exceed Fee of the Dahlin Group, Inc., Hazen and Sawyer, Siegfried Engineering, Inc., and Salas O'Brien agreements for a shared aggregate subtotal not-to-exceed fee of $2,000,000 and increasing that subtotal by $1,000,000 for a Revised Shared Aggregate Total Not-to-Exceed Fee of $3,000,000, and extend the term to December 31, 2027;
B. Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Standard On-Call Consultant Agreement No. A4477A, with Hazen and Sawyer, for On-Call General and Specialty Engineering Services for Facilities, Combining the Not-to-Exceed Fee of the Dahlin Group, Inc., Hazen and Sawyer, Siegfried Engineering, Inc., and Salas O'Brien agreements for a shared aggregate subtotal not-to-exceed fee of $2,000,000 and increasing that subtotal by $1,000,000 for a Revised Shared Aggregate Total Not-to-Exceed ...
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