Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)
Receive and approve the Mid-Year Operating and Capital Budget Adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Rolling Biennial Adopted Budget.
Approve the Mid-Year Operating and Capital Budget Adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Rolling Biennial Adopted Budget.
In adhering to Governance Policies of the Board and specifically Executive Limitations EL-4, staff respectfully submits the mid-year budget adjustments to the FY 2022-23 Rolling Biennial Adopted Budget, which are necessary to better align limited allocated resources with the Board's Ends, meet Board priorities, and to continue to provide for a balanced budget.
The FY 2022-23 mid-year budget adjustments are presented in Attachments 1 & 2 and summarized as follows:
1. Capital Project: 95084002 10-Year Pipeline Rehabilitation Project ($2,128,000 increase)
The 10-Year Pipeline Inspection and Rehabilitation Project (Project) develops Santa Clara Valley Water District's (Valley Water) large diameter Pipeline Management Strategy and a 10-year program for implementation tasks associated with the strategy. This program involves the inspection, planning, and design activities required for renewal of Valley Water's large pipelines and tunnels. The construction contracts and material procurement costs for the projects under the Project have increased due to inflation and supply chain issues which have impacted delivery schedules, material costs, and construction costs. This budget adjustment increases the Project FY23 budget by $2,128,000 from $20,112,674 to $22,240,674 and is consistent with the preliminary Capital Improvement Program (CIP) FY 24-28 Five-Year Plan. If not approved, three projects including the Santa Clara Conduit Rehabilitation and Pacheco Sectionalizing Valve Replacement Project, Santa Clara Conduit Inspe...
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