Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)
Review and Approve the Grants Redesign Project Recommendations to Update and Improve the Administration of the Safe, Clean Water Grants and Partnerships Program.
Review and approve the Grants Redesign Project recommendations to update and improve the administration of the Safe, Clean Water Grants and Partnerships Program through the following:
A. Authorize the following update for all grant types:
1. Continue with the current insurance requirements and required documentation, and allow the grantee's insurance costs to be eligible for reimbursement (staff recommendation); or
2. Remove the current insurance requirements and supporting documentation, and rely on the indemnification clause in the agreement;
B. Authorize the following updates for the Mini-Grant Program:
1. Raise the mini-grant threshold from $5,000 to $10,000 per project;
2. Eliminate the match funding requirement;
C. Authorize the following updates for the Standard Grant Program:
1. Adopt the Grants Redesign Project criteria framework, project eligibility, and applicant eligibility, and direct staff to replace the existing standard grant criteria based on the new framework;
2. Delegate authority to the CEO or CEO designee to streamline the agreement terms corresponding with the framework categories;
3. Set minimum and maximum funding amounts per category;
4. Fund projects at the full amount requested, eliminating partial funding awards and eliminating the current grant funding allocation matrix;
5. Reduce or eliminate match funding requirements:
a. No match funding required for Education and Planning categories;
b. 15% match funding required for Program and Implementation categories;
6. Require grantees to identify a separate CEQA lead agency for Implementation projects at the time of application;
7. Release standard gra...
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