Government Code Section 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Refer to Attachment A)
Consider AECOM Technical Services, Inc.'s Request for Retention Release and Modification of Retention Requirements in Agreement No. A4215A for Planning, Design, and Environmental Documentation and Permitting Support for the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project, Project No. 91954002, and Approve Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. A4215A with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (Merced County, District 1).
A. Consider AECOM Technical Services, Inc.'s Request for Retention Release and Modification of Retention Requirements in Agreement No. A4215A for Planning, Design, and Environmental Documentation and Permitting Support for the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project, Project No. 91954002; and
B. Approve Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. A4215A with AECOM Technical Services, Inc.
The Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project (Project) will expand the storage capacity of the existing Pacheco Reservoir from 5,500 acre-feet (AF) to up to 140,000 AF to provide increased emergency water supplies, improved water quality, ecosystem benefits, and incidental flood protection.
Recent discussions developed in support of the Project's environmental documents, permitting timelines, field investigations, and design process have prompted necessary changes to the Project scope and sequence of work. A combination of these factors contributed to scope changes and a revised schedule forecast to complete the required Project elements prior to the construction phase.
Staff recommends approval of Amendment No. 1 which extends the Agreement term consistent with the current Project schedule and implements other administrative updates to this Agreement which commenced on November 20, 2018. Additional time is necessary for the Consultant to prepare the required changes to complete the Project.
Consultant requests the b...
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