File #: 23-0474    Version: 2 Name:
Type: Consent Calendar Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 4/17/2023 In control: Board of Directors
On agenda: 8/8/2023 Final action:
Title: Approve and Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute an Amended and Restated Joint Use Agreement Between City of Sunnyvale and Santa Clara Valley Water District, for the Sunnyvale West Channel and Sunnyvale East Channel Recreational Trails (Sunnyvale, District 3).
Attachments: 1. Attachment A: Gov. Code §84308, 2. Attachment 1: Joint Use Agreement, 3. Attachment 2: 2nd Addendum to Final EIR

Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)

Approve and Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute an Amended and Restated Joint Use Agreement Between City of Sunnyvale and Santa Clara Valley Water District, for the Sunnyvale West Channel and Sunnyvale East Channel Recreational Trails (Sunnyvale, District 3).

A. Consider the potential environmental effects of modifications to the Sunnyvale East and West Channels Flood Protection Project, as discussed in the Second Addendum prepared by the City of Sunnyvale, and the First Addendum and Final Environmental Impact Report prepared by the Santa Clara Valley Water District;
B. Approve and authorize the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to execute the 2023 Amended and Restated Joint Use Agreement between City of Sunnyvale and Santa Clara Valley Water District Sunnyvale West Channel and Sunnyvale East Channel; and
C. Delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer to approve future amendments to the proposed 2023 Amended and Restated JUA between City of Sunnyvale and Santa Clara Valley Water District Sunnyvale West Channel and Sunnyvale East Channel.

In February 2022, the Board of Directors approved a Joint Use Agreement (JUA) with the City of Sunnyvale (City) to incorporate certain public trail improvements into the Sunnyvale West Channel and Sunnyvale East Channel Flood Protection Project. One such public trail improvement was to be located along Valley Water's west maintenance road along the Sunnyvale West Channel, extending from Caribbean Drive upstream to Mathilda Avenue.
The Google Moffett Park Green Link Bordeaux-Borregas Bridge Project includes proposed trail and bridge improvements to a portion of the Sunnyvale West Channel, a portion of which would be located on Valley Water property subject to the existing JUA ("Google Bordeaux-Borregas Bridge Reach")....

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