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Receive an Update on the Delta Conveyance Project.
Receive information regarding the Delta Conveyance Project.
This agenda item provides a status update on the Delta Conveyance Project (Project), with emphasis on the recently released cost estimate and Benefit-Cost Analysis. Representatives from the Department of Water Resources (DWR), Delta Conveyance Design and Construction Authority (DCA), and the Berkeley Research Group (BRG) will present to the Board, as follows:
A. Introduction by Carrie Buckman, Delta Conveyance Project Environmental Program Manager, DWR.
B. Updated cost estimate by Graham Bradner, Executive Director, DCA.
C. Benefit-Cost Analysis by David Sunding, BRG.
Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) has been engaged in planning to improve the conveyance of State Water Project (SWP) and Central Valley Project (CVP) supplies across the Delta since 2006, recognizing increasing risks to the current approach of diverting water in the vulnerable southern Delta. On September 24, 2019, Valley Water Board of Directors (Board) adopted Guiding Principles for participation in the Project (Principles; Resolution 19-69). The Principles highlight the Board's emphasis on protecting Santa Clara County's interests, addressing Silicon Valley stakeholder and community input, and ensuring our future water supply needs are met cost-effectively. The Principles support participating in the Project at a level higher than Valley Water's initial 2.5 percent share to offset projected declines in CVP deliveries and mitigating future uncertainty.
On November 17, 2020, the Board adopted Resolution 20-91 approving a provisional participation at 2.73 percent, authorized an increase in Valley Water's provisional participation to 3.23 percent, and authorized the CEO to nego...
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