File #: 23-0774    Version: 2 Name:
Type: Water Utility Enterprise Item Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 7/11/2023 In control: Board of Directors
On agenda: 8/8/2023 Final action:
Title: Receive Report of Bids, Ratify Addenda, Approve the Contingency Fund, and Award the Construction Contract to Kiewit Infrastructure West Co., for the Rinconada Water Treatment Plant Reliability Improvement Project Phases 3-6, Project No. 93294057, Contract No. C0688 in the Amount of $303,900,000 (Los Gatos, District 7).
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1: Project Delivery Process Chart, 2. Attachment 2: Project Location Map, 3. Attachment 3: Final Environmental Impact Report, 4. Attachment 4: Addendum No. 4

Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)

Receive Report of Bids, Ratify Addenda, Approve the Contingency Fund, and Award the Construction Contract to Kiewit Infrastructure West Co., for the Rinconada Water Treatment Plant Reliability Improvement Project Phases 3-6, Project No. 93294057, Contract No. C0688 in the Amount of $303,900,000 (Los Gatos, District 7).

A. Ratify Addenda Nos. 1 through 18 to the Contract Documents for the Rinconada Water Treatment Plant (RWTP) Reliability Improvement Project (RIP) Phases 3-6;
B. Award the Contract to Kiewit Infrastructure West Co, located in Fairfield, California, in the sum of $303,900,000; and
C. Approve a contingency sum of $30,390,000 and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or designee to approve individual change orders up to the designated amount.

The Rinconada Water Treatment Plant Reliability Improvement Project (Reliability Project) was initiated to increase plant reliability to meet peak summer demands, update technology and infrastructure, and implement process improvements. The Board awarded the original construction contract on May 26, 2015, to Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. (BBII) and they completed two phases of the work. The design of phases 3-6 has been repackaged in order to proceed with constructing the remainder of the Reliability Project.

The successful completion of the Rinconada Water Treatment Plant Reliability Improvement Project Phases 3-6 (Project) will allow staff to efficiently operate the 100 million gallons of water per day (MGD) facility. The Project will construct the ozone generation building, liquid oxygen facility, fluoride facility, new filters, and bioretention basins; modify existing chemical systems; demolish existing clarifiers and filters; upgrade the plant water system; and perform other miscellaneous site improvemen...

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