Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)
Consider the October 31, 2024, Board Policy and Monitoring Committee Recommendation to Adopt the Proposed Changes to Board Governance Policy: Governance Process 6 (GP-6).
RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation
Consider the recommendation resulting from the October 31, 2024, Board Policy and Monitoring Committee to:
A. Adopt the Proposed Changes to Board Governance Policy: Governance Process 6 (GP-6); and
B. Provide feedback and recommendations to staff as necessary.
At its September 30, 2024, June 24, 2024, and May 15, 2024, regular meetings, the Board Policy and Monitoring Committee (BPMC) reviewed Board Governance Policy Governance Process-6 (GP-6): Board Members Code of Conduct and provided input to staff regarding potential changes to the policy. GP-6 was last revised on September 12, 2023. For reference, a copy of the existing GP-6 is included as Attachment 1.
The proposed updated GP-6 (Attachment 2) attempts to simplify and streamline the complaint process while adding clarity on areas of concern previously identified by the BPMC. A flowchart on the formal complaint process has been provided as Attachment 3 to provide an additional visual reference on the updates made.
Some of the key updates made to GP-6 include the following:
1. Defined roles of the Board Chair and Ethics and Conduct Ad Hoc Committee;
2. Outlined both a formal and an informal complaint process;
3. Complaints must be in writing and must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board who will submit them to the Chair (or Vice Chair where the Chair is the subject of the complaint or is the complainant) with informational copies to the CEO and District Counsel;
4. Complaints can be made for violations of the Board of Directors Code of Ethics and Conduct, Governance Policies, and local, state and/or federal law;
5. The Chair evaluates comp...
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