Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)
Approve Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. A4504A with Kayuga Solution, Inc. to Provide On-Call Asset Management Services, CAS File No. 5175, Increasing the Not-to-Exceed fee by $300,000 for a Revised Total Not-to-Exceed fee of $1,400,000.
RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation
Approve Amendment No. 2 to the Standard On-Call Consultant Agreement A4504A, with Kayuga Solution, Inc. to provide on-call asset management services, CAS File No. 5175, increasing the not-to-exceed fee by $300,000 for a revised total of not-to-exceed fee of $1,400,000.
Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) implements an asset management program based on the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ten-step asset management model. Valley Water has contracted with Kayuga Solution, Inc. (Kayuga or Consultant) to provide on-call asset management services, including for the development of asset management plans. These plans can be specific to individual facilities such as a single creek or water treatment plant, or comprehensive of all watershed, water utility, or Valley Water assets.
Tasks within the scope of this agreement include updating Valley Water's comprehensive Asset Management Plan (AMP), updating a Watersheds AMP, and developing detailed and implementable AMPs for various, individual creeks and associated assets located along the creeks such as floodwalls, levees, and structures. AMPs may also be developed for specific Water Utility facilities such as water treatment plants, pump stations, pipelines, ponds, or dams. These AMPs help identify future maintenance and capital needs.
Specific tasks for developing or updating AMPs include refining Valley Water's asset registry, conducting field condition assessments, performing risk assessments, developing maintenance and capital management strategies, calc...
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