Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project Workshop Topics, Project No. 91954002.
Receive and discuss information regarding the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project (PREP). This is an information-only item and no action is required.
Following the cost estimate update presented to the Water Storage Exploratory Committee on December 28, 2020 and the Board of Directors on January 12, 2021, staff is presenting several Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project topics, that may affect the Fiscal Year 2022 budget and future water rates and charges, to the Board of Directors in advance of budget adoption. The topics presented will include funding and external issues that could have significant financial, project implementation, and schedule implications on the project.
Potential Project Funding Sources
Staff has prepared analysis of 14 potential project funding sources as follows:
1. Water rates & charges (pay-go and bond financing)
2. Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP) - currently conditionally awarded
3. WSIP - potential additional funds
4. Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loan
5. San Felipe Facilities Expansion - U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) Co-operative agreement
6. General Obligation Bonds
7. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) - Hazard Mitigation grant
8. Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant (FEMA)
9. USBR WaterSmart Grant
10. California Department of Water Resources (DWR) Grant
11. Other Federal/State grant
12. Public agency partner participation
13. Corporate sponsorship/grants
14. Private investment (P3)
Although information for each of the topics above is presented at a high level in Attachment 3, the following funding topics will be presented in greater detail and as part of a PowerPoint Presentation (Attachment 1):
Water rates & charges - Staff will present different funding scenarios and the impact to F...
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