Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)
Receive Report of Bids, Ratify Addenda, Approve the Contingency Fund, and Award the Construction Contract to Con-Quest Contractors Inc., for the Santa Clara Conduit Inspection and Rehabilitation Project - Phase 2, as Part of the 10-Year Pipeline Inspection and Rehabilitation Project, Project No. 95084002, Contract No. C0697 in the sum of $8,484,651 (Morgan Hill, Gilroy, Unincorporated San Benito County, and Unincorporated Santa Clara County, District 1).
(Continued from June 27, 2023)
A. Ratify Addenda Nos. 1 and 2 to the Contract Documents for the Santa Clara Conduit Inspection and Rehabilitation Project - Phase 2;
B. Award the Construction Contract to Con-Quest Contractors, Inc. located in San Francisco, CA, in the sum of $8,484,651.00; and
C. Approve a contingency of 10% in the amount of $848,465.00 and authorize the Chief Executive Officer or designee to approve individual change orders up to the designated amount.
The objective of the Santa Clara Conduit Inspection and Rehabilitation Project - Phase 2 (Project) is to increase the reliability and useful life of the pipeline.
The Project scope of work includes completely draining and removing all water from the Santa Clara Conduit in the section between Sectionalizing Valve 1 and Coyote Pumping Plant, performing repairs on pipeline appurtenances, replacing line valves, providing support for a manned internal pipeline inspection, installing an Acoustic Fiber Optic (AFO) monitoring system, installing supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system components, installing corrosion protection systems, and performing internal pipeline repair work as identified during the inspections.
Project Background
The Santa Clara Conduit is included in Santa Clara Valley Water District's (Valley Water) Pipeline Maint...
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