Meeting Name: Board of Directors Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/25/2024 11:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: HQ. Bldg. Boardroom, 5700 Almaden Expressway, San Jose, California Join Zoom Meeting:
Closed Session and Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: Agenda Packet (1146 pages)
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
24-0569 12.1. Closed SessionCLOSED SESSION PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b)(1) Titles: CEO, District Counsel, and Clerk of the Board   Not available Not available
24-0615 1*2.2. Closed SessionCLOSED SESSION CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL INITIATION OF LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4) One Potential Case   Not available Not available
24-0598 1*2.3. Closed SessionCLOSED SESSION CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL EXISTING LITIGATION Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1): Outdoor Solutions Landscaping and Paving Supply, LLC v. Valley Water, et al. Santa Clara County Superior Court Case No. 24CV441153   Not available Not available
24-0625 1*3.3. Time Open for Public Comment ItemTime Open for Public Comment on any Item not on the Agenda.   Not available Not available
24-0497 1*3.4. Time Certain ItemReceive an Update and Provide Feedback on Santa Clara Valley Water District’s Water Supply Master Plan 2050; Consider and Approve May 17, 2024 Water Supply and Demand Management Committee Recommendation to Set a Water Conservation Goal of 126,000 Acre-Feet Per Year by 2050; Consider and Approve March 27, 2024 Recycled Water Committee Recommendation to Set Potable Reuse Goal of 24,000 Acre-Feet Per Year by 2035.   Not available Video Video
24-0618 1*3.5. Time Certain ItemReceive an Update on the Delta Conveyance Project.   Not available Video Video
24-0521 14.1. Consent Calendar ItemAdopt a Resolution Approving the Second Amended and Restated San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement.   Not available Not available
24-0561 14.2. Consent Calendar ItemApprove Amendment No. 2 to Agreement A4648G, with Carpi & Clay Inc. for Washington D.C. Representation Services, Administrative Agencies, and Executive Branch Focus 2022, Increasing the fee by $192,000 for a Revised Total Not-to-Exceed fee of $576,000 and Extending the Agreement Term to June 30, 2025.   Not available Not available
24-0566 14.3. Consent Calendar ItemApprove the Board of Directors’ Quarterly Expense Report for the Quarter Ending March 31, 2024.   Not available Not available
24-0619 1*4.4 Consent Calendar ItemAdopt Recommended Positions on State Legislation: AB 460 (Bauer-Kahan) Civil Penalties for Water Rights Violations, *AB 1581 (Kalra & Mathis) Restoration Management Permit Act, AB 1785 (Pacheco) California Public Records Act, *AB 2655 (Berman & Pellerin) Defending Democracy from Deepfake Deception Act, and Other Legislation Which May Require Urgent Consideration for a Position by the Board.   Not available Not available
24-0544 24.5. Consent Calendar ItemAuthorize Acquisition of a Real Property Interest from Michele A. Dour, for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Order Compliance Project Coyote Creek Flood Management Measures Project, Project No. 91864007, APN 472-31-041, Real Estate File Nos. 4021-320 and 4021-406 for the Price of $307,000 (San Jose, District 2).   Not available Not available
24-0502 14.6. Consent Calendar ItemAccept the Work as Complete and Direct the Clerk to File the Notice of Completion of Contract and Acceptance of Work for the Santa Clara Conduit Rehabilitation and Pacheco Sectionalizing Valve Replacement Project, as Part of the 10-Year Pipeline Inspection and Rehabilitation Project, Con-Quest Contractors, Inc., Contractor, Project No. 95084002, Contract No. C0673 (San Benito County, Gilroy, and Unincorporated Santa Clara County, District 1).   Not available Not available
24-0541 14.7. Consent Calendar ItemDenial of Claim of Hongze Victor Chen.   Not available Not available
24-0542 14.8. Consent Calendar ItemDenial of Claim of Brigitte Rince.   Not available Not available
24-0543 1*4.9. Consent Calendar ItemDeny the Application to File a Late Claim by Richard Ricardo Nalawagan.   Not available Not available
24-0588 14.10. Consent Calendar ItemGrant the Application for Leave to File Late Claim for Claim of Hortense Vasquez on Behalf of Michael Baughman and Deny the Claim on the Merits.   Not available Not available
24-0589 14.11. Consent Calendar ItemDenial of Claim of Miguel Alvarado-Martinez.   Not available Not available
24-0527 1*4.12. Assistant CEO ItemApprove the Fiscal Year 2024 Schedule Adjustments to Projects in the Renewed Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection Program. (*PREVIOUSLY LISTED AS ITEM 8.1)   Not available Not available
24-0070 1*4.13. Consent Calendar ItemAccept the CEO Bulletin for the Weeks of June 7 - 20, 2024.   Not available Not available
24-0514 1*4.14. Consent Calendar ItemApproval of Minutes.   Not available Video Video
24-0594 1*5.1. Board of Directors ItemConsider the May 15, 2024, Board Policy and Monitoring Committee Recommendation to Approve the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Board Work Plan.   Not available Video Video
24-0602 1*5.2. Board of Directors ItemBoard Committee Reports. (*PREVIOUSLY LISTED AS ITEM 5.1)   Not available Video Video
24-0582 1*8.1. Watersheds ItemApprove the Standard On-Call Consultant Agreement A5033A with R.E.Y. Engineers, Inc., to provide On-Call Land Surveying and Mapping Services, Project No. 00074036, PB File VW0344, for a not-to-exceed fee of $3,000,000. (* PREVIOUSLY LISTED AS ITEM 7.1)   Not available Video Video
24-0603 1*10.1. CEO ItemCEO and Chiefs’ Reports.   Not available Video Video
24-0218 111.1. Administration ItemApprove Amendment No. 1 to the Standard On-Call Consultant Agreements with the following four (4) Consultant firms: Dahlin Group, Inc., Hazen and Sawyer, Siegfried Engineering, Inc., and Salas O’Brien to Provide On-Call General and Specialty Engineering Services for Facilities; Combining the Not-to-Exceed Fees of all four agreements for a shared aggregate subtotal not-to-exceed fee of $2,000,000 and Increasing that subtotal by $1,000,000 for a Revised Shared Aggregate Total Not-to-Exceed Fee of $3,000,000 for each of the aforementioned agreements, and Increase the Not-to-Exceed Fee for Swinerton Management & Consulting by $200,000 for a Revised Total Not-to-Exceed Fee of $700,000, for Engineering and Construction Management Services, and Extend the Term of Each Agreement through December 31, 2027.   Not available Video Video
23-1182 113.1. Future Board Agenda ItemReview the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Board Policy Planning Calendar.   Not available Video Video

Notice to Public:

The Santa Clara Valley Water District publishes meeting agendas two Fridays prior to regular meetings, and publishes amended and special meeting agendas one Friday prior. During the process of amending an agenda, individual links to Board Agenda Reports may not be available. In these cases, please reference the “Full Agenda Package” instead.