Government Code ? 84308 Applies: Yes ? No ?
(If "YES" Complete Attachment A - Gov. Code ? 84308)
Work Study Session on the Capital Improvement Program Preliminary Fiscal Year 2026-2030 Five-Year Plan and Preliminary Fiscal Year 2025-2026 Groundwater Production Charges.
A. Review the Capital Improvement Program Evaluation Team's recommended funding scenarios for the CIP Preliminary Fiscal Year 2026-2030 (FY 2026-30) Five-Year Plan and approve the recommendations for the Water Utility Enterprise Fund (Fund 61) and the inclusion of three projects in the CIP Draft FY 2026-30 Five-Year Plan;
B. Review proposed adjustments and modifications to the Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection Program (Safe, Clean Water Program) Fund (Fund 26);
C. Set the time and place for a Public Hearing for modifications to the Safe, Clean Water Program for February 11, 2025; and
D. Discuss and provide direction on the preliminary FY 2025-26 (FY 26) Groundwater Production Charge analysis.
Each year, the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) team prepares its rolling five-year plan, which is presented for Board consideration and approval. The CIP Five-Year Plan describes the Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) capital investments by type of improvement and provides information on planned capital projects and Valley Water's intended source(s) of funding.
The annual CIP development process, wherein capital project plans are updated to reflect changes to scope, schedule or planned expenditures (as detailed in Attachment 1), works in coordination with the biennial budget process, which allocates funding to these projects, and the groundwater production charge process, which establishes water rates.
This Work Study Session combines, for Board review: the baseline CIP Preliminary FY 2026-30 Five-Year Plan (Attachment 2), which reflects all processed changes to scope, sched...
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